Information in English

Did  your ancestors emigrate from Sweden to America but you don’t know anything about them?  I can help you to find more information in the Swedish archives. With my experience as a researcher/investigator combined with my passion for genealogy I can help you to find out what really happened to your ancestors.

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Eva Wassén Erikssons first book about emigration is ”Käre broder Edvard – i en emigrants fotspår”:
One day in June 1893 Edward Olsson and his brother August rowed across the lake cove Kilsviken in Amal in Sweden. The brothers were in their thirties, but this was their last moment together. After this tour, they would never see each other again. August left his wife Sarah and their three small children to go to to the promised land America. His family never saw their husband and father again.

What happened to August and why did’t he return to Sweden? This book is largely based on Augusts lengthy mail correspondence with his brother Edward, and also based on research in a wide variety of other sources.

Where the facts are missing, the author has taken help by her imagination. August’s life and labours are recurringly  portrayed in the story. With the support of the research, the story is interwoven with illustrations from this period, a broad descriptions of the emigration to America, and the immigrants life ”over there”.

The second book about emigration is ” Agenter, propaganda & motståndsrörelse – faktorer som påverkade Amerikaemigrationen”: At least 1.2 million Swedes, maybe as many as 1.4 million emigrated and the vast majority of them chose America as their new home. Surely there was widespread poverty in Sweden in the 19th century, but where there other contributing factors that made so many people chosing emigration as their last resort? This book describes the factors that became crucial to the great American migration in the end of the 19th century. These factors led onto that a whole industry based on emigration was built.

Although it has been many years since emigration ebbed out, it has had great influence and importance in many emigrant families and for Sweden as a country. Everyone that has emigrated carry a unique story. The American migration and the forces that started in Sweden more than 170 years ago have according to the author, great similarities with today’s migration of populations.

As part of the Swedish history, all Swedes, young and old, should have an overall picture of the Swedish emigration and, in particular, the great American migration.

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